The Jefferson Bible

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The Jefferson Bible is an exquisite full-color reproduction of his famous, much-edited version of Jesus' life and teachings, cut and pasted from eight Bibles—two each in English, French, Latin and Greek. Includes his hand-written margin notes, chapters on his Enlightenment views, and a review of the painstaking process to preserve the original.

An introduction by Smithsonian curators Harry R. Rubenstein and Barbara Clark Smith explains Thomas Jefferson's intentions in creating the volume and the ways that his endeavor reflected his Enlightenment ideals and Revolutionary spirit. Smithsonian conservator Janice Stagnitto Ellis's essay on conservation reveals surprising insights into how Jefferson crafted the book so precisely. Faithful to the unique artifact so painstakingly created by Thomas Jefferson himself, The Jefferson Bible, Smithsonian Edition makes the thoughts of a great American mind accessible for generations to come.

Museum Story

The red leather book resides in the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, Behring Center. The Thomas Jefferson Bible is on exhibit at the Albert H. Small Documents Gallery in the National Museum of American History.


  • Hardcover
  • 208 pages
  • Full color reproduction of the original Jefferson Bible containing 4 languages
  • Introduction by Smithsonian curators Harry R. Rubenstein and Barbara Clark Smith

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 

5 out of 5

Based on 50 Reviews

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November 29, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 will make a great christmas gift for my beloved hi...

will make a great christmas gift for my beloved history buff alexandria va 2



November 4, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 This was a gift for my wife. She is an avid reader...

This was a gift for my wife. She is an avid reader and history buff. She loved it! This was an excellent gift. I suggest you also buy the DVD at the same time. I later purchsed the DVD. Alabama



September 24, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 My wife bought this for me. I couldn't be more pl...

My wife bought this for me. I couldn't be more pleased. I do feel that the description of the book should state that it is hard bound, nowhere in the description did I find that mentioned. The binding is so attractivew that I brought it to the attention of my wife after I received it. Beautiful color, well done and clearly printed. It should be in every library. Thank you. Hamburg, Pennsylvania



July 27, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 This is a beautiful facsimile edition of Jefferson...

This is a beautiful facsimile edition of Jefferson's Bible. The introduction provides succinct account of Jefferson's philosophy and religious beliefs against the background of early American theology and politics. More than just a flat facsimile, there are fold-out maps and little touches like an actual pasted-on-the-page snippet of text (p. 56r). It's a really cool book. My only complaint is hardly the Smithsonian's fault -- I hate the Greek font. Besides the ligatures, which take some getting used to (but are pretty standard for an 18th-century printing), the font is very small, faded, and just hard to read. Again, not the Smithsonian's fault, they've done an excellent job reproducing the artifact that is Jefferson's Bible. If you want to read the New Testament in Greek, grab your Nestle-Aland. The rest of the text is fine and makes for pleasurable reading. Overall, I can't recommend this book highly enough. Iowa



June 6, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 I don't read French, Greek or Latin but Istudying...

I don't read French, Greek or Latin but Istudying Jefferson's approach (written in English) to Jesus' teachings is informing about the former president and points directions for me to consider. This book will take time and quiet to review and use, but I expect to gain a better understanding of my beliefs from it. New Braunfels, TX



June 2, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 I had a fun time trying to find this book. I looke...

I had a fun time trying to find this book. I looked at several places in DC before finding someone who pointed to the place I needed to go online to place my order. Thank goodness I found him! Huntsville, Alabama



April 16, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 Very interesting historical account of Jefferson's...

Very interesting historical account of Jefferson's journey in his belief in the separation of church and state and his creation of his own inspirational bible. California



March 21, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 I am a great fan of Jefferson's. I had heard abou...

I am a great fan of Jefferson's. I had heard about his Bible and wanted to see the original. Now that the Smithsonian has been able to use the tecnical work to duplicate, so it looks orignal, I am very happy with the results. All my family are GREAT fans of Jefferson so I have purchased several of these as gifts. Having three languages may seem strange but my grandaughter is fluent in Latin and French and she was delighted to be able to read the book in three languages. Thanks Smithonian!!! Buford, GA



March 9, 2012

Customer Rating: 5 out of 5 Wonderful window into TJ's view of the Bible and v...

Wonderful window into TJ's view of the Bible and values Great to have for kids to see the various languages he knew Virginia Beach

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